Documents Recycling Regulation 2022/1616
Documents Recycling Regulation 2022/1616
Fernholz faces the challenges of the new recycled waste regulations
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is an agency of the European Union that provides scientific advice on existing and emerging risks along the food chain and provides information about them. Among other things, EFSA also assesses the safety of substances used in food contact materials (LCM), including active and smart materials. It also assesses the safety of recycling processes for reused plastics in LKM. Now Fernholz submitted an application to have the films, cups and the newly developed recycling raw materials and processes examined by the EFSA.
At the beginning of December 2022, “Suitable Technology” was registered for the PET process and the DeCon system from Starlinger. In addition, the registration for the r-PS technology and the functional barrier was submitted and the process was registered as “Novell Technology” in the relevant portals. With the “Initial Safety Report” Fernholz is supported by the Fraunhofer Institute, which, thanks to its expertise from previous EFSA registrations, has a high level of specialist knowledge and experience in dealing with the EU Commission and the authorities.