10. 05. 2022 | Pressemitteilungen

Major extension and expansion begins at the Fernholz film plant in Schkopau

  • Construction work has been ongoing since March 2022
  • The extension will cover 2,250 m2
  • Efficiency, resource conservation and recyclability are the key issues

Meinerzhagen, 05/05/2022.

Expansion of the current factory halls to include an additional film production building at W. u. H. Fernholz GmbH & Co. KG in Schkopau began in early March and is scheduled for completion by 2023. The extension will cover 2,250 m2 for production and storage. In addition, approx. 250 m2 have been earmarked for outdoor facilities to house the cooling system, power supply and silos. The expansion builds on the latest insight into energy technology: waste heat from the cooling system will be used, for instance, to heat the entire building complex. Photovoltaic cells will deliver some of the energy in the final stage of the development. The façade will also be designed according to the latest thermal insulation criteria.

‘Expanding our production hall will increase our efficiency, and we are equally keen to embrace the trend towards resource conservation. It is our aim to establish an exemplary carbon footprint in our production facilities. Last but not least, we are continuing to invest in the topic of recyclability and how it can be put into practice’, explains Fernholz Managing Director Michael Roth.

Investments in the expansion, including machinery, are in the lower double-digit million range. Sales films are manufactured at both locations. The portfolio includes PET, PS and PP films. The Meinerzhagen site also uses thermoforming and injection molding for the production of plastic parts (cups, trays and lids etc.). The Schkopau site is exclusively dedicated to the manufacturing of plastic films in a thickness range of 200–2,000 µm.

Based in Meinerzhagen and Schkopau, Fernholz is a manufacturer of films and plastic packaging. The company employs a workforce of around 220 at both locations. It holds numerous certificates that bear witness to its sustainable and innovative products.

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