26. 01. 2022 | News

Desto®Cup technology continues its victory march

The resource-efficient Desto®Cup techno-logy is now firmly established. Trade journals have already published detailed reports on Fernholz’s new decorative system, and market demand is rising as well.

Desto®Cup technology combines the advantages of plastic and cardboard or paper. A plastic inlay, as thin as possible, is initially covered with cardbo-ard or paper up to the sealing edge. This sheathing stabilises the cup despite the reduced plastic share.

Fernholz Desto-Becher

Fernholz delivers the inlays made of PP, PS, r-PS, PET and RPET. In the next stage of development, we will also be able to offer inlays made of organic PS or PP. The cardboard used for the Desto Cup can contain up to 90 % recycled material. This saves considerable resources, particularly in combination with the reduced amount of plastic – up to 60 % less compared to conventional cups. Aside from these great material properties, the Fernholz developers attached great importance to ensuring that the cardboard is easily detachable from the inlay.

This means that the materials can be separa-ted into their individual components and then recycled.We are currently testing the use of transparent inlays instead of the standard white ones, as the lack of colouring will enable an even simpler recycling process. Tests are also being conducted on sheathing made of recycled paper sleeves. Fernholz is staying ahead of the market by in-vesting in the development of these products. In Germany, recycling of plastic packaging recently increased by a good eight percentage points compared to the previous year (2018 to 2019).

The segment has even grown by more than 12 percent among private consumers. This is a particular blessing for the environment, as each tonne of plastic that is recycled as a new material saves around two tonnes of CO2. Extrapolated to total economic output, this equates to savings of approximately 900,000 tonnes of CO2 each year. We are therefore continuing to promote the emergence of sustainable and innovative pro-ducts and methods that protect the climate in line with our “Fernholz goes green” strategy. Just contact us to become involved.

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