Rollout of a new ERP system
Treading water is never an option in the endless progression of time, especially not when facing today’s energy and cost situations. Instead it is necessary to gaze resolutely into the future. Here at Fernholz, we are equally determined to continuously optimize our processes to deliver the best possible support and value for money to our customers. In keeping with this, we reached a decision late last year to introduce a new ERP system.
To make sure that the transition runs smoothly, we will be unable to ship or accept any new products between Christmas and New Year. We are therefore informing you in good time about our last inbound and outbound goods for this year.
Our inbound and outbound goods departments will resume normal operations from 2 January 2023. Kindly assist and support us by checking and planning your requirements in good time in order to prevent bottlenecks in your supply chain.
Do reach out to us if you have any concerns! We will work together to find a solution! Thank you for your cooperation and support.
Looking back
Rolling out an ERP system is a complex undertaking. There are frequent reports of companies struggling with the process.
Indeed, Fernholz has also needed two attempts and two systems. But now the job is finally done: our new ERP system has been operating successfully since 2 January 2023. Production at both sites proceeded without any problems despite the extensive reorganization. For our customers, the new ERP system will improve the speed, security, transparency and documentation of processes from preparing quotes to product delivery. But it will take practice to become really used to the system. So we still have a few hills to climb. Nonetheless: introducing the ERP system is an important step in building our company’s future as part of the Fernholz 2025 project.
What lies at the end of this road? Even better data quality, consistent process centricity and more optimized quality management. Our aim going forward is to exploit these improvements to the benefit of our customers and in our own interests.